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Visit Size of Wales Cymraeg

Info for teachers & Parents

Size of Wales is a unique charity that is making Wales part of the global solution to climate change.

For decades, the “size of Wales” was used as a unit of measurement for the destruction of our most precious natural habitats. Since 2010, we have brought our nation together to turn this on its head.

Together, we work with Indigenous and local people worldwide to grow trees and protect at least 2 million hectares of tropical forests – an area the size of Wales.

We educate and inspire people in Wales to recognise the critical role Indigenous communities play in protecting the climate, biodiversity, and livelihoods.

We campaign to drive policy change and are calling for Wales to become the world’s first Deforestation Free Nation.

Our vision is to help create a future where forest communities can thrive alongside healthy tropical forests—to make our nation part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.

This website is for kids who want to learn more about tropical forests and the life within them in a fun online environment. To book school workshops or to find out more about the Size of Wales, please visit our main website.

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